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more about me

> Name: Timothy Donald Scheurich but you can call me Tim
> Height: about 5' 10"
> Hair color: red but i am really a blonde underneath.
> Eye Color: blue
> Siblings: two sisters
> Righty or lefty? righty but according to cat i was supposed to be a lefty
> ~*~On guys. . . . (for girls to fill out)~*~
> Boxers or briefs?
> Long or short hair?
> Dark or ?
> Tall or short?
> 6 pack or muscular arms?
> Mr. Sensitive or Mr. Funny?
> Dark or light eyes?
> Hat or no hat?
> Ears pierced or no?
> Tan or fair?
> Freckles or none?
> Stubble or neatly shaved?
> Rugged outdoorsy or sporty?
> ~*~On girls. . . .(for guys to fill out)~*~
> Painted or nails?
> Sorta dressy or casual? depends
> Ears pierced or not? don't care
> Dark or ? light hair is good
> Short or long hair? short but not too short.
> Dark eyes or light eyes? in between
> Long or short nails? short
> Hat or no hat? depends
> Good or bad ? good
> Hair up or down? down
> Jewelry or none? a little
> Tall or short? tall but shorter than me
> Curly or straight hair? straight
> Skirt or dress? does not matter
> Tan or fair? does that really matter
> Freckles or none? freckles are cute but not necessary
> Pretty indoor chick or sporty chick? ill get back to you
~*~On preferences. . . .~*~
Chocolate milk or hot chocolate? Hot chocolate
McDonalds or Burger King? both
Coke or Pepsi? Pepsi
Rather marry the perfect lover or perfect friend? perfect friend
Sweet or sour? both
Root Beer or Dr. Pepper? root beer
Tea or coffee? neither
Sappy/action/comedy/horror? I'll watch it all
Cats or dogs? cats
Ocean or pool? pool ocean is too salty
Cooler Ranch or Nacho Cheese? if you mean doritos nacho cheese
Mud wrestling Or Jell-o? what
With or without ice-cubes? with
Winter/Summer/Fall/Spring? SUMMER! NO SCHOOL! HIT THE POOL!
Vanilla or Chocolate? depends on who im with
Cake or cookies? cake usually
Eyes open or closed? doing what? kissing or swiming
Fly or breathe under water? Fly
Bunk bed or waterbed? water is best
Gum or hard candy? hard candy I guess
Motor boat or sailboat? motor boat
~*~What's your favorite?. . . .~*~
Color? green
Number? 18
Drink? mountain dew
Animal? cats
Holiday? Christmas I guess
Quote? i have a couple, here they are!!
"If it weren't for the last minute nothing would ever get done!"
"I don't suffer from insanity, I enjoy every minute of it!"
"Everyone's entitled to be stupid but you're abusing the privilege!"
"Are you living on the edge? Cause' I fell off some time ago"
Bible Verse? One of my favorite verses is in 1 or 2 peter it says " his divine power has given us every thing we need for life and Godliness."
Flower? roses don't ask why
Food? most everything but seafood

~*~In the future. . . .~*~
What's your house gonna look like? Big but not to big. i don't know i haven't built it yet when i do i will let you know
Where are you gonna live?I don't know. where ever God leads me
How many kids? 3 is a nice number
Names? : i will let you know
Gonna keep your last name? si
College? IUPUI
What are you gonna do? study computer graphic technology

~On relationships. . . .~*~
How would they act? funny and Jim Brickman Concert!
What's the first thing you notice in a guy/girl? appearance but that is not the most important but how they treat people is sometimes it take time for someone to grow on ya
~*~If you could. . . .~*~
Move anywhere: australia
Buy any car, what would it be? silver hummer
Shave one thing into your head, what would it be? i aint shaving my head
Dye your hair one color, what would it be? none i like my hair color but i have always wanted to try blonde
Have a tattoo, where/what would it be? i wouldn't be caught dead with one
Turn into any animal: an eagle
Meet one person, who would it be? George Bush yah that would be fun
Live w/one person for the rest of your life, who would it be? my wife

~*~Name one thing...~*~
You love: A certain girl that is a pretty blonde and is related to greg
You REALLY wanna do: I want to get married believe it or not
What's hard for you to do: just writing in general

~*What's the first thing you do when you...*~
Get up? lay there as long as I can get away with
Go to school? leave as soon as possible
~*~Yea or Nay?~*~
Female president? nay!
Roller coasters? YEA!
Thunderstorms? Yea! I always sleep well during them!
Food in bed? nah
High heels? nay
Mexican food: yea
Bill Clinton? nay!
Insects? some are cool.

Okay. . . great way to end here. some people just love me